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Shumaker Wayne. The occult sciences in the Renaissance: A Study in intellectual pattern. Bercelay: 1972 Shumaker Wayne. The occult sciences in the Renaissance: A Study in intellectual pattern. Bercelay: 1972

Год, время изданияYear, age of editingАвтор(ы)Author(s)ИздательEditor((s)РедсоветEditorial boardРецензент(ы)Reviewer(s)
ЗаголовокTitleРейтингRatingРасходы, гонорарыExpenses, royaltiesТиражPrint runБукинистикаBooksellering
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Shumaker, Wayne~. THE OCCULT SCIENCES IN THE RENAISSANCE: A Study in Intellectual Patterns~. Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 1972. Keywords: History -- Illustrated -- Occult Sciences -- Renaissance -- Title -- Review Copy, lost publisher slip replaced with reviewer-affidavit -- Association Copy from the library of the late Herbert A. Kenny, celebrated reviewer, author, & co-founder of the National Book Critics Circle -- English language. First Printing (No Additional Printings indicated). Firsts with dust jackets very hard to find. Hardcover. Dust jacket present, price intact. 284 pages: Bibliographical Note, Index, black/white illustrations throughout. Binding height: 10-1/4". Full cloth, spine gilt. Book Near Fine: light foxing to top leaf-edges, light bump to 1 fore-corner. Binding strong & tight, insides Fine. Dust jacket Very Good: spine slightly sun-darkened, 1/4" & 3/8" closed tears to top front edge (1/4" to bottom), moderate rubbing to top fore- corners (light to bottom same), moderate wrinkle to spine-top with 2 small tears. Dust jacket pluses: virtually no rubbing, scratching or scoring to front, spine or back. [3.25 lb. packed]. [JPEG image available]. HK621~. US$112.95 Shumaker, Wayne~. THE OCCULT SCIENCES IN THE RENAISSANCE: A Study in Intellectual Patterns~. Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 1972. Keywords: History -- Illustrated -- Occult Sciences -- Renaissance -- Title -- Review Copy, lost publisher slip replaced with reviewer-affidavit -- Association Copy from the library of the late Herbert A. Kenny, celebrated reviewer, author, & co-founder of the National Book Critics Circle -- English language. First Printing (No Additional Printings indicated). Firsts with dust jackets very hard to find. Hardcover. Dust jacket present, price intact. 284 pages: Bibliographical Note, Index, black/white illustrations throughout. Binding height: 10-1/4". Full cloth, spine gilt. Book Near Fine: light foxing to top leaf-edges, light bump to 1 fore-corner. Binding strong & tight, insides Fine. Dust jacket Very Good: spine slightly sun-darkened, 1/4" & 3/8" closed tears to top front edge (1/4" to bottom), moderate rubbing to top fore- corners (light to bottom same), moderate wrinkle to spine-top with 2 small tears. Dust jacket pluses: virtually no rubbing, scratching or scoring to front, spine or back. [3.25 lb. packed]. [JPEG image available]. HK621~. US$112.95
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