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Anthropological Theory, journal academic peer-reviewed 2001- USA, California, Newbury Park: SAGE Publishing; quarterly; Anthropological Theory, journal academic peer-reviewed 2001- USA, California, Newbury Park: SAGE Publishing; quarterly;

Год основания, время изданияYear of foundation, publication timeРедактор(ы)Editor(s)Издатель, спонсор(ы)Publisher, Sponsor(s)РецензентыReviewer(s)
Периодичность изданияPeriodicity of publicationРейтингRatingРасходы, гонорарыExpenses, royaltiesТиражPrint runБукинистикаBooksellering
Жанр, тема, систематикаGenre, subject, taxonomy
Anthropological Theory is an international journal seeking to strengthen anthropological theorizing in different areas of the world. This is an exciting forum for new insights into theoretical issues in anthropology and more broadly, social theory.

Anthropological Theory publishes articles engaging with a variety of theoretical debates in areas including:

  • marxism
  • feminism
  • political philosophy
  • historical sociology
  • hermeneutics
  • critical theory
  • anthropology of science
  • biological anthropology
  • archaeology
  • linguistic anthropology
  • historical anthropology
  • sociology
  • global anthropology

Anthropological Theory encourages work at a high level of conceptual analysis, and we are especially interested in the following sorts of submissions. Those dealing: 1. With particular concepts important in theory; 2. arguing particular theories; 3. investigating metatheory; and 4. exploring theorists and traditions; and 5. examining the history of the development of theoretical positions. (Please refer to the guidelines to Authors for further information before submitting a manuscript).

Contributors include:

  • Pierre Bourdieu
  • Veena Das
  • Maurice Godelier
  • Jack Goody
  • Keith Hart
  • Charles Tilly
  • Alain Touraine
  • Katherine Verdery
Anthropological Theory encourages work at a high level of conceptual analysis, and we are especially interested in the following sorts of submissions. Those dealing: 1. With particular concepts important in theory; 2. arguing particular theories; 3. investigating metatheory; and 4. exploring theorists and traditions; and 5. examining the history of the development of theoretical positions. Please refer to Article Types under Manuscript submissions for more details.

"This will be a real stimulus for the discipline. Although 'theory' pervades our work, it will be fascinating to see the difference that being explicit makes.  It is a bold approach and one I like... All in all, this has the makings of a forum that could forge future classics." Prof Marilyn StrathernUniversity of Cambridge, UK

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Visit the cutting-edge SAGE Journals platform to start reading all issues now.

More about this journal

Anthropological Theory is an international journal seeking to strengthen anthropological theorizing in different areas of the world. This is an exciting forum for new insights into theoretical issues in anthropology and more broadly, social theory.

Anthropological Theory publishes articles engaging with a variety of theoretical debates in areas including:

  • marxism
  • feminism
  • political philosophy
  • historical sociology
  • hermeneutics
  • critical theory
  • anthropology of science
  • biological anthropology
  • archaeology
  • linguistic anthropology
  • historical anthropology
  • sociology
  • global anthropology

Anthropological Theory encourages work at a high level of conceptual analysis, and we are especially interested in the following sorts of submissions. Those dealing: 1. With particular concepts important in theory; 2. arguing particular theories; 3. investigating metatheory; and 4. exploring theorists and traditions; and 5. examining the history of the development of theoretical positions. (Please refer to the guidelines to Authors for further information before submitting a manuscript).

Contributors include:

  • Pierre Bourdieu
  • Veena Das
  • Maurice Godelier
  • Jack Goody
  • Keith Hart
  • Charles Tilly
  • Alain Touraine
  • Katherine Verdery
Anthropological Theory encourages work at a high level of conceptual analysis, and we are especially interested in the following sorts of submissions. Those dealing: 1. With particular concepts important in theory; 2. arguing particular theories; 3. investigating metatheory; and 4. exploring theorists and traditions; and 5. examining the history of the development of theoretical positions. Please refer to Article Types under Manuscript submissions for more details.

"This will be a real stimulus for the discipline. Although 'theory' pervades our work, it will be fascinating to see the difference that being explicit makes.  It is a bold approach and one I like... All in all, this has the makings of a forum that could forge future classics." Prof Marilyn StrathernUniversity of Cambridge, UK

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Visit the cutting-edge SAGE Journals platform to start reading all issues now.

More about this journal

Архив фото, видео, аудиоArchives photo, video, audio
Издательство, место изданияPublishing house, place of publication
ПолиграфияPolygraphyГеография чтенияGeography of reading
Предшественники, аналогиPredecessors, analoguesСоциология чтенияSociology of reading
Конфликты, скандалыConflicts, scandalsФетишизацияFetishization
Освещение в медиаMedia Coverage
Лица, причастные к изданиюPersons involved in the publicationПереиздания, репринтыRepublications, reprints
Плагиат, криминалPlagiarism, criminalБиблиография рецензийBibliography of reviews
Прекращение изданияTermination of the publicationСеть, полный текст выпусковWEB, the full text of the issues