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абзац термин программирования 19??- произвольная последовательность символов, ограниченная специальными символами конца абзаца paragraph term programming 19?? - an arbitrary sequence of characters, bounded by special characters of the end of the paragraph

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Статус, место в системеStatus in the systemРейтингRatingЭкспансия, ресурсностьExpansion, resource potentialРелевантность правовернаяRelevance rightfaithfulСтатистикаStatistics
Лингвистическая характеристикаLinguistic Description
Архивы: фото-, видео-, аудио-Archives: photo-, video-, audio-
Специфический смыслSpecific meaning
Составляющие смыслаConstituents of meaningЭтимология первоисходная, историяEtymology primary
Антропософия смыслаMeaningГеография распространенияGeography of spreading
Разночтения, разновидности, разносмыслыSpellings, varieties, dissentsСоциология распространенияSociology of spreading
Периодика, медиа, новостиPeriodicals, media, news
(1) In word processing and text editing, a paragraph is a collection of words and sentences that contain an end-of-line character (return, line feed or both) at the end. From the viewpoint of the software, even a single word followed by a return is a paragraph. See CR/LF.
(2) In DOS programming, a 16 byte block. Memory addresses are generated as "segment:offset," where the segment is expressed in paragraphs. As a result of this architecture, there are 4,096 possibilities for expressing each memory byte, a situation that has added a lot of confusion at the debugging level.

To compute an address, the segment register is shifted left four bits, which effectively multiplies it by 16. For example, in the address A000:0100, the A000 becomes A0000, as follows:

     Segment    A0000    655,360
     Offset      0100        256
     Result     A0100    655,616
(1) In word processing and text editing, a paragraph is a collection of words and sentences that contain an end-of-line character (return, line feed or both) at the end. From the viewpoint of the software, even a single word followed by a return is a paragraph. See CR/LF.
(2) In DOS programming, a 16 byte block. Memory addresses are generated as "segment:offset," where the segment is expressed in paragraphs. As a result of this architecture, there are 4,096 possibilities for expressing each memory byte, a situation that has added a lot of confusion at the debugging level.

To compute an address, the segment register is shifted left four bits, which effectively multiplies it by 16. For example, in the address A000:0100, the A000 becomes A0000, as follows:

     Segment    A0000    655,360
     Offset      0100        256
     Result     A0100    655,616
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