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fungeous язык английский, прилагательное, ныне редкое 1597 - нечто грибное, ассоциирующееся с поганкой, поганым (obs.) fungeous language English, adjective, rare 1597 - having the texture of a mushroom, resembling a fungus, fungoid (obs.)

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fungeous, adj.
Pronunciation:  Brit. /ˈfʌndʒɪəs/ ; U.S. /ˈfəndʒiəs/
Forms:  15 17– fungious, 16– fungeous.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Either formed within English, by derivation. Or a borrowing from Latin, combined with an English element. Etymons:fungus n.; Latin fungus  , -eous suffix.
Etymology: fungus n. or its etymon classical Latin fungus + -eous suffix. Compare earlier fungous adj. and the foreign-language parallels cited at that entry. With the form fungious compare -ious suffix.
Now rare. Originally: having the texture of a mushroom, resembling a fungus, fungoid (obs.). In later use: of or relating to a fungus; = fungal adj.
1597   J. Gerard Herball i. 78   Blew Panick hath a reddish stalke..full of a fungious pith.
1682   T. Gibson Anat. Humane Bodies 34   They are soft and fungeous.
1736   Quincy's Lexicon Physico-medicum (ed. 5) 73/1   Cathereticks, are Medicines which serve to take off the fungious or superfluous Flesh that is apt to grow up in Wounds or Ulcers.
1851   North-western Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 3 377   Nor could we see any injury from this change of terms, to the author's peculiar notions in reference to the fungeous nature of the poison.
1915   Maryland Agric. Coll. Bull. Oct. 16   This destroys foul matter, fungeous diseases and insects.
1982   J. Zwartendijk in P. Den Ouden & B. K. Boom Man. Cultivated Conifers (ed. 3) 480   Precaution against the transfer of bacteria, fungious spores, insects and their eggs, nematodes etc.
fungeous, adj.
Pronunciation:  Brit. /ˈfʌndʒɪəs/ ; U.S. /ˈfəndʒiəs/
Forms:  15 17– fungious, 16– fungeous.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Either formed within English, by derivation. Or a borrowing from Latin, combined with an English element. Etymons:fungus n.; Latin fungus  , -eous suffix.
Etymology: fungus n. or its etymon classical Latin fungus + -eous suffix. Compare earlier fungous adj. and the foreign-language parallels cited at that entry.
With the form fungious compare -ious suffix.
Now rare. ​Originally: having the texture of a mushroom, resembling a fungus, fungoid (obs.). In later use: of or relating to a fungus; = fungal adj.
1597   J. Gerard Herball i. 78   Blew Panick hath a reddish stalke..full of a fungious pith.
1682   T. Gibson Anat. Humane Bodies 34   They are soft and fungeous.
1736   Quincy's Lexicon Physico-medicum (ed. 5) 73/1   Cathereticks, are Medicines which serve to take off the fungious or superfluous Flesh that is apt to grow up in Wounds or Ulcers.
1851   North-western Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 3 377   Nor could we see any injury from this change of terms, to the author's peculiar notions in reference to the fungeous nature of the poison.
1915   Maryland Agric. Coll. Bull. Oct. 16   This destroys foul matter, fungeous diseases and insects.
1982   J. Zwartendijk in P. Den Ouden & B. K. Boom Man. Cultivated Conifers (ed. 3) 480   Precaution against the transfer of bacteria, fungious spores, insects and their eggs, nematodes etc.
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