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flâneuse язык английский существительное 1879 - Женщина, которая гуляючи взирает на жизнь и общество; праздная горожанка flâneuse language English noun 1879 - A woman who saunters around observing life and society; a leisurely woman about town

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ВозникновениеOriginСоздатель, первоносительFounder, first-bearersЗаконодателиLawgiversПотребителиUsersПроизводныеDerivatives
Грамматический статусGrammatical statusРейтингRatingРесурсность, распределениеResourceness, allocationРелевантность, престижностьRelevance, prestigeСтатистикаStatistics
Лингвистический статусLinguistic status
flâneuse, n.
Pronunciation:  Brit. /flaˈnəːz/ , U.S. /flɑˈnəz/ , /flɑˈnus/
Forms:  18 flaneuse, 19– flâneuse.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French flâneuse.
Etymology: < French flâneuse (1844 or earlier) < flâner to lounger, saunter idly (see flânerie n.) + -euse -euse suffix. Compare flâneur n.
A woman who saunters around observing life and society; a leisurely woman about town. Cf. 
flâneur n.
1879   Daily Leader (Bloomington, Illinois) 8 May   ‘A young lady out with her maid’, he concluded... He was..sensible of a great longing to know who this little flaneuse could be, to meet her again.
1888   A. Levy in Woman's World 1 366/1   The female club-lounger, the flâneuse of St James Street, latch-key in pocket and eye glasses on nose, remains a creature of the imagination.
1944   Musical Times July 208/1   A list of her [sc. Dame Ethel Smyth's] comings and goings in the late nineties and early Edwardian years would read like the itinerary of a leisured flâneuse whose main interest in life was to go about visiting people and places.
1985   J. Woolff in Theory, Culture & Society 2 37 (title)    The invisible flâneuse: women and the literature of modernity.
2017   Sunday Tel. (Nexis) 31 July (Living) 8   Elkin has written a delightfully meandering study of Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys and other female flâneuses who dared to stroll.
flâneuse, n.
Pronunciation:  Brit. /flaˈnəːz/ , U.S. /flɑˈnəz/ , /flɑˈnus/
Forms:  18 flaneuse, 19– flâneuse.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French flâneuse.
Etymology: < French flâneuse (1844 or earlier) < flâner to lounger, saunter idly (see flânerie n.) + -euse -euse suffix. Compare flâneur n.
A woman who saunters around observing life and society; a leisurely woman about town. Cf. 
flâneur n.
1879   Daily Leader (Bloomington, Illinois) 8 May   ‘A young lady out with her maid’, he concluded... He was..sensible of a great longing to know who this little flaneuse could be, to meet her again.
1888   A. Levy in Woman's World 1 366/1   The female club-lounger, the flâneuse of St James Street, latch-key in pocket and eye glasses on nose, remains a creature of the imagination.
1944   Musical Times July 208/1   A list of her [sc. Dame Ethel Smyth's] comings and goings in the late nineties and early Edwardian years would read like the itinerary of a leisured flâneuse whose main interest in life was to go about visiting people and places.
1985   J. Woolff in Theory, Culture & Society 2 37 (title)    The invisible flâneuse: women and the literature of modernity.
2017   Sunday Tel. (Nexis) 31 July (Living) 8   Elkin has written a delightfully meandering study of Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys and other female flâneuses who dared to stroll.
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Человеческая средаHuman environmentГеография распространенияGeography of spreading
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