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cheeselog язык английский существительное региональное (юго-восточная Англия) деревянный cheeselog language english noun regional (south-east England) A woodlouse

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View as: 
Forms:  16 cheeselogges (plural), 18– cheeselog.
Origin: Of uncertain origin. Etymon: cheslock n.
Etymology: Origin uncertain; perhaps a folk-etymological alteration of cheslock n., by association with cheese n.1 and log n.1, although compare also earlier cheslip n. (see variants at that entry) and cheese-bug n. at cheese n.1 Compounds 2.
With the ending perhaps compare also lugdor n.(Show Less)
Eng. regional (south-east., esp. Berks.).
1657   tr. J. J. Brunn Physicall Magazeen ii, in tr. P. Morel Expert Doctors Dispensatory 455   Ashes of scorpions, cheese logges or wood-lice [L. millepedum], or monkes pease.
1864   Morning Post 19 Sept. 4/6   As they [sc. toads] live chiefly on cheeselogs, most of the forcing frames in the royal gardens at Windsor contain one of these creatures for the purpose of destroying the cheeselogs.
1870   Essex Standard 22 Apr. Suppl.   From beetles, cockroaches, and spiders, Cheeselogs, and very many more Repulsive, creepy-crawly gliders That now pollute my basement floor.
1977   Guardian 27 June 10   Cheese-logs in the bath, the wash-basin, on the curtain, [etc.].
2016   @chilitechris 8 July in (O.E.D. Archive)    Chopped out a fair amount of garden overgrowth—will use for compost. Disturbed a lot of cheeselogs.



View as: 
Forms:  16 cheeselogges (plural), 18– cheeselog.
Origin: Of uncertain origin. Etymon: cheslock n.
Etymology: Origin uncertain; perhaps a folk-etymological alteration of cheslock n., by association with cheese n.1 and log n.1, although compare also earlier cheslip n. (see variants at that entry) and cheese-bug n. at cheese n.1 Compounds 2.
With the ending perhaps compare also lugdor n.(Show Less)
Eng. regional (south-east., esp. Berks.).
1657   tr. J. J. Brunn Physicall Magazeen ii, in tr. P. Morel Expert Doctors Dispensatory 455   Ashes of scorpions, cheese logges or wood-lice [L. millepedum], or monkes pease.
1864   Morning Post 19 Sept. 4/6   As they [sc. toads] live chiefly on cheeselogs, most of the forcing frames in the royal gardens at Windsor contain one of these creatures for the purpose of destroying the cheeselogs.
1870   Essex Standard 22 Apr. Suppl.   From beetles, cockroaches, and spiders, Cheeselogs, and very many more Repulsive, creepy-crawly gliders That now pollute my basement floor.
1977   Guardian 27 June 10   Cheese-logs in the bath, the wash-basin, on the curtain, [etc.].
2016   @chilitechris 8 July in (O.E.D. Archive)    Chopped out a fair amount of garden overgrowth—will use for compost. Disturbed a lot of cheeselogs.


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