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МАРГАРИТА НАВАРРСКАЯ ♀ 1492-04-11 Франция, Ангумуа, Ангулем - 1549-12-21 Франция, Гасконь, Одос - принцесса Франции, герцогиня Аленсонская и Берри, королева Наварры, сестра французского короля Франциска I, прародительница французской королевской династии Бурбонов, выдающаяся фигура Французского Возрождения, принимала в своих апартаментах ведущих интеллектуалов, покровительствовала искусствам и наукам, склонялась к учению Кальвина, талантливая писательница, "первая современная женщина" (Самуэл Патнэм) MARGUERITE de NAVARRE♀ 1492-04-11 France, Angoumois, Angoulême - 1549-12-21 France, Gascony, Odos - princess of France, Duchess of Alencon and Berry, Queen of Navarre, sister of the French King Francis I, progenitor of the French royal Bourbon dynasty, an outstanding figure of the French Renaissance, hosted leading intellectuals in her apartments, patron of the arts and sciences, inclined to the teachings of Calvin, a talented writer, "The First Modern Woman" (Samuel Putnam)

Portrait of Marguerite of Navarre (l. 1492-1549), Queen of Navarre, oil on oak wood painting by Jean Clouet, c. 1527 Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Portrait of Marguerite of Navarre (l. 1492-1549), Queen of Navarre, oil on oak wood painting by Jean Clouet, c. 1527 Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
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2022-03-17 MARK Joshua J.
Marguerite de Navarre (also known as Margaret of Navarre, l. 1492-1549) was the highly educated Queen of Navarre, wife of Henry II of Navarre (r. 1517-1555) and sister of Francois I (Francis I of France, r. 1515-1547). She was fluent in English, French, Hebrew, Latin, and Spanish and well-versed in classical literature. Her court was internationally renowned and, after her conversion to Protestantism, she influenced the Reformation in England through the translation of her poem Mirror of the Sinful Soul, which was condemned as heretical by the Catholic Church. Marguerite would have no doubt been persecuted for this poem and her other writings but for the protection of her powerful brother. She regularly interceded with him to release Protestants from prison or allow them to preach in France, and he did as she asked, even though he remained a devout Roman Catholic. She maintained a correspondence with Marie Dentière, John Calvin, and Philip Melanchthon, among others, and helped to establish the Reformation in France through her patronage of the arts, Protestant works, and protection of those who would otherwise have been arrested and executed as heretics.
2022-03-17 MARK Joshua J.
Marguerite de Navarre (also known as Margaret of Navarre, l. 1492-1549) was the highly educated Queen of Navarre, wife of Henry II of Navarre (r. 1517-1555) and sister of Francois I (Francis I of France, r. 1515-1547). She was fluent in English, French, Hebrew, Latin, and Spanish and well-versed in classical literature. Her court was internationally renowned and, after her conversion to Protestantism, she influenced the Reformation in England through the translation of her poem Mirror of the Sinful Soul, which was condemned as heretical by the Catholic Church. Marguerite would have no doubt been persecuted for this poem and her other writings but for the protection of her powerful brother. She regularly interceded with him to release Protestants from prison or allow them to preach in France, and he did as she asked, even though he remained a devout Roman Catholic. She maintained a correspondence with Marie Dentière, John Calvin, and Philip Melanchthon, among others, and helped to establish the Reformation in France through her patronage of the arts, Protestant works, and protection of those who would otherwise have been arrested and executed as heretics.
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