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ПАНГОНИС Кэтрин ♀ историк средневекового Средиземноморья и Ближнего Востока; магистр литературы и истории Оксфордского университета и Университетского колледжа Лондона; исследует роль женщин в малоизученных сюжетах истории и доносит свои открытия до всеобщего сведения. PANGONIS Katherine ♀ historian specialising in the medieval world of the Mediterranean and Middle East; MA degrees in literature and history from Oxford University and University College London; she has a particular interest in rewriting the voices of women into the historical narrative, re-examining understudied areas of history and bringing her findings into the public eye

Пол, ориентация, секс-связиGender, orientation, sexual liaisonsРейтинги, титулы, званияRatings, titles, gradesДоходы, имущество, капитализацияIncomes, property, capitalizationНаграды, премии, должностиAwards, prizes, positionsНаследство, споры о нёмBequest, disputes about it
Гражданство, подданствоNationality, allegiance


Katherine Pangonis is a historian specialising in the medieval world of the Mediterranean and Middle East. She holds MA degrees in literature and history from Oxford University and University College London. She has a particular interest in rewriting the voices of women into the historical narrative, re-examining understudied areas of history and bringing her findings into the public eye. Travel is central to her research process, and that is how she spends most of her time. Her first book, QUEENS OF JERUSALEM: THE WOMEN WHO DARED TO RULE, was published in 2021 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Архивы: фото, видео, аудиоArchives: photo,video, audio
Профессия, специализацияProfession, specialization
ПартнерыParty membership
Этнос, язык, конфессияEthnos, language, confessionСоматикаSomatic
Партийность, электоральные предпочтенияParty membership, electoral preferencesПсихика, соционикаPsyche, socionics
УчебаBuildingОбращения, иски его и к немуAppeals his, suits against him
Карьера, новостиCareer, news
Поездки, связи вовнеTravels, contacts outside
Лица причастныеPersons participialПоездки, связи внутриTTravels, contacts inside
Общественные делаSocial activityОтзывы о нёмOpinions
Экзы - война, суд, катастрофы...)Exs - wars, trials, accidents...)Труды егоWorks own
Неволя - тюрьма, плен...)Captivity - prison, bondage...)БиблиографияBibliography
Умер, неизлечимость, недееспособнсотьDie, incurable, invalidityСетьWeb