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РАБАТЭ Жан-Мишель ♂ RABATÉ Jean-Michel ♂

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Jean-Michel Rabaté is one of the world's foremost literary theorists. He is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Rabaté has authored or edited more than thirty books on modernism, psychoanalysis, contemporary art, philosophy, and writers like Beckett, Pound, and Joyce. Recent books include Crimes of the Future (Bloomsbury, 2014), The Cambridge Introduction to Psychoanalysis and Literature (2014), The Pathos of Distance (Bloomsbury, 2016), and Rust (Bloomsbury, 2018). He is one of the founders and curators of Slought Foundation in Philadelphia ( and the Managing Editor of the Journal of Modern Literature. Since 2008, he has been a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Writes: Comparative Literature, Literature and Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Modernism, Literary Theory, Material Culture, Critical Theory

Author of : Rust, The Pathos of Distance, Crimes of the Future

Editor(s) of: Understanding Derrida, Understanding Modernism

Jean-Michel Rabaté is one of the world's foremost literary theorists. He is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Rabaté has authored or edited more than thirty books on modernism, psychoanalysis, contemporary art, philosophy, and writers like Beckett, Pound, and Joyce. Recent books include Crimes of the Future (Bloomsbury, 2014), The Cambridge Introduction to Psychoanalysis and Literature (2014), The Pathos of Distance (Bloomsbury, 2016), and Rust (Bloomsbury, 2018). He is one of the founders and curators of Slought Foundation in Philadelphia ( and the Managing Editor of the Journal of Modern Literature. Since 2008, he has been a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Writes: Comparative Literature, Literature and Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Modernism, Literary Theory, Material Culture, Critical Theory

Author of : Rust, The Pathos of Distance, Crimes of the Future

Editor(s) of: Understanding Derrida, Understanding Modernism

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