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СМИТ Патрик Скотт ♂ SMITH Patrick Scott ♂

Пол, ориентация, секс-связиGender, orientation, sexual liaisonsРейтинги, титулы, званияRatings, titles, gradesДоходы, имущество, капитализацияIncomes, property, capitalizationНаграды, премии, должностиAwards, prizes, positionsНаследство, споры о нёмBequest, disputes about it
Гражданство, подданствоNationality, allegiance Patrick Scott Smith, M.A., is a research analyst, writer, and independent scholar. As a member and contributor for the World History Encyclopedia, he has also presented research for the American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical Literature, American Schools of Oriental Research, and the Missouri Academy of Science at different venues throughout the United States. In addition, as a writer, treasurer, and presenter for the Association for the Scientific Study of Religion, he also won their 2015 Frank P. Forwood Award for Excellence in Presented Research. Writing on diverse subjects such as ancient religions and cultures, Roman commerce (c. 400 BCE-c. 400 CE), and the Herod's Harbor project, his interface, and love of ancient history is ongoing. Patrick Scott Smith, M.A., is a research analyst, writer, and independent scholar. As a member and contributor for the World History Encyclopedia, he has also presented research for the American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical Literature, American Schools of Oriental Research, and the Missouri Academy of Science at different venues throughout the United States. In addition, as a writer, treasurer, and presenter for the Association for the Scientific Study of Religion, he also won their 2015 Frank P. Forwood Award for Excellence in Presented Research. Writing on diverse subjects such as ancient religions and cultures, Roman commerce (c. 400 BCE-c. 400 CE), and the Herod's Harbor project, his interface, and love of ancient history is ongoing.
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Экзы - война, суд, катастрофы...)Exs - wars, trials, accidents...)Труды егоWorks own
Неволя - тюрьма, плен...)Captivity - prison, bondage...)БиблиографияBibliography
Умер, неизлечимость, недееспособнсотьDie, incurable, invalidityСетьWeb