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Глобальная хронологияGlobal chronologyАБРАМОВ Иван Николаевич ♂ 1978- СССР, Россия, Благовещенск, депутат Государственной Думы РФ 7 -го созыва, фракция ЛДПР, лишен мандата 2018-06-13 из-за назначения членом Совета Федерации РФ от исполнительной власти Амурской области 2018-, ABRAMOV Ivan Nikolayevich ♂ 1978- USSR, Russia, Blagoveshchensk, businessman, coordinator of the Amur regional branch of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (2005-2012), deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Amur region on the list of the Liberal Democratic Party (2008-2011); Deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Regional Policy and Problems of the North and the Far East (2016-2018), was deprived of his mandate 2018-06-13 due to his appointment as a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the executive branch of the Amur Region 2018-