| |||||
РодилсяBorn | РодителиParents | РодичиRelatives | СупругиSpouses | ПотомкиDescendants | |
Пол, ориентация, секс-связиGender, orientation, sexual liaisons | Рейтинги, титулы, званияRatings, titles, grades | Доходы, имущество, капитализацияIncomes, property, capitalization | Награды, премии, должностиAwards, prizes, positions | Наследство, споры о нёмBequest, disputes about it | |
Гражданство, подданствоNationality, allegiance | Архивы: фото, видео, аудиоArchives: photo,video, audio | ||||
Профессия, специализацияProfession, specialization | |||||
ПартнерыParty membership | |||||
Этнос, язык, конфессияEthnos, language, confession | СоматикаSomatic | ||||
Партийность, электоральные предпочтенияParty membership, electoral preferences | Психика, соционикаPsyche, socionics | ||||
УчебаBuilding | Обращения, иски его и к немуAppeals his, suits against him | ||||
Карьера, новостиCareer, news | Frick, Henry Clay (b. Dec. 19, 1849, West Overton, Pa., U.S.--d. Dec. 2, 1919, New York City), U.S. industrialist, art collector, and philanthropist who helped build the world's largest coke and steel operations.
Frick began building and operating coke ovens in 1870, and the following year he organized Frick and Company. Taking advantage of the difficult times following the financial panic of 1873, he acquired extensive coal deposits and supplied Pittsburgh with the coke required for its steel and iron industry.
In 1889 Frick was made chairman of Carnegie Brothers and Company to reorganize their steel business. He initiated far-reaching improvements and bought out Carnegie's chief competitor, the Duquesne Steel Works. He was responsible for building Carnegie into the largest manufacturer of steel and coke in the world. As a result of his leading role in the dispute during the Homestead (Pa.) steel strike of 1892, he was shot and stabbed by Alexander Berkman, an anarchist, but survived.
Frick played a major role in the formation of the United States Steel Corporation in 1901 and later became a director. He also served as a director of a number of railroads.
Upon his death Frick bequeathed $15,000,000 and his Fifth Avenue mansion to New York City to establish the Frick Collection, a trove of paintings, bronzes, and enamels he had collected over a 40-year period. It is generally considered one of the great privately owned museums of the world. His other gifts include a 150-acre (61-hectare) park and a $2,000,000 endowment to the city of Pittsburgh, as well as liberal contributions to Princeton University.
| Поездки, связи вовнеTravels, contacts outside | |||
Лица причастныеPersons participial | Поездки, связи внутриTTravels, contacts inside | ||||
Общественные делаSocial activity | Отзывы о нёмOpinions | ||||
Экзы - война, суд, катастрофы...)Exs - wars, trials, accidents...) | Труды егоWorks own | ||||
Неволя - тюрьма, плен...)Captivity - prison, bondage...) | БиблиографияBibliography | ||||
Умер, неизлечимость, недееспособнсотьDie, incurable, invalidity | СетьWeb |