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РодилсяBorn | РодителиParents | РодичиRelatives | СупругиSpouses | ПотомкиDescendants | |
Пол, ориентация, секс-связиGender, orientation, sexual liaisons | Рейтинги, титулы, званияRatings, titles, grades | Доходы, имущество, капитализацияIncomes, property, capitalization | Награды, премии, должностиAwards, prizes, positions | Наследство, споры о нёмBequest, disputes about it | |
Гражданство, подданствоNationality, allegiance | Joshua J. Mark is the Author, Editor, Researcher, Co-Founder, and Director at World History Encyclopedia.Location Staatsburg, New York, United States, Regions Greater New York Area, East Coast, Northeastern US Joshua J. Mark studied at SUNY College at New Paltz . https://muckrack.com/joshua-mark Joshua J. Mark is a freelance writer, journalist, researcher, and editor who founded Ubisunt Writing Services to provide clients with access to a reliable professional in every area of writing. He is a published writer of both fiction and non-fiction who has lived in Greece and Germany, traveled and studied in Egypt, and presently lives in upstate New York, USA, with his family. He is a co-founder director, author, fact-checker, researcher, and editor for Ancient History Encyclopedia. His published fiction includes When There Were Trees' through Writes for All Magazine, Black Rose' through Infective Ink, Asking for Life' through Hudson Valley Halloween Magazine, and After the Funeral' through Five Stop Story as well as other short fiction through print and on-line. He is a past contributor to Ancient Planet Online Journal, Celtic Guide Magazine, and History Ireland Magazine. His travel writing appears in Timeless Travels Magazine and Litro UK. Mark taught Writing, Literature, and Philosophy part-time at Marist College where he was also a tutor in the Writing Center and recipient of the Faculty of the Year Award and Special Services Award of Merit. Analytics 44,694,406 people have read this user's contributionsⓘContributions Joshua J. Mark is the Author, Editor, Researcher, Co-Founder, and Director at World History Encyclopedia.Location Staatsburg, New York, United States, Regions Greater New York Area, East Coast, Northeastern US Joshua J. Mark studied at SUNY College at New Paltz . https://muckrack.com/joshua-mark Joshua J. Mark is a freelance writer, journalist, researcher, and editor who founded Ubisunt Writing Services to provide clients with access to a reliable professional in every area of writing. He is a published writer of both fiction and non-fiction who has lived in Greece and Germany, traveled and studied in Egypt, and presently lives in upstate New York, USA, with his family. He is a co-founder director, author, fact-checker, researcher, and editor for Ancient History Encyclopedia. His published fiction includes When There Were Trees' through Writes for All Magazine, Black Rose' through Infective Ink, Asking for Life' through Hudson Valley Halloween Magazine, and After the Funeral' through Five Stop Story as well as other short fiction through print and on-line. He is a past contributor to Ancient Planet Online Journal, Celtic Guide Magazine, and History Ireland Magazine. His travel writing appears in Timeless Travels Magazine and Litro UK. Mark taught Writing, Literature, and Philosophy part-time at Marist College where he was also a tutor in the Writing Center and recipient of the Faculty of the Year Award and Special Services Award of Merit. Analytics 44,694,406 people have read this user's contributionsⓘContributions | Архивы: фото, видео, аудиоArchives: photo,video, audio | |||
Профессия, специализацияProfession, specialization | |||||
ПартнерыParty membership | |||||
Этнос, язык, конфессияEthnos, language, confession | СоматикаSomatic | ||||
Партийность, электоральные предпочтенияParty membership, electoral preferences | Психика, соционикаPsyche, socionics | ||||
УчебаBuilding | Обращения, иски его и к немуAppeals his, suits against him | ||||
Карьера, новостиCareer, news | Поездки, связи вовнеTravels, contacts outside | ||||
Лица причастныеPersons participial | Поездки, связи внутриTTravels, contacts inside | ||||
Общественные делаSocial activity | Отзывы о нёмOpinions | ||||
Экзы - война, суд, катастрофы...)Exs - wars, trials, accidents...) | Труды егоWorks own | ||||
Неволя - тюрьма, плен...)Captivity - prison, bondage...) | БиблиографияBibliography | ||||
Умер, неизлечимость, недееспособнсотьDie, incurable, invalidity | СетьWeb |