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- Гидростанции /

ГидростанцииHydro Powers


Visiting the Wernisberg und Iberg power plants


The electricity plants for the Schwyz Region (EBS) use the Muota River and a few of its tributaries to generate electricity. The five Muota power plants were built between 1956 and 1970. They generate 220 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually.

The Muota power plants generate 78% of their energy in the summer and 22% in the winter, being as they are - run of river power plants without seasonal storage. The regionally generated electricity by the Muota covers about 70% of the electricity requirement in the EBS supply area. Groups can book tours of the power plants Wernisberg and Ibach, including the water castle, upon reservation.
Elektrizitätswerk des Bezirks Schwyz AG
Riedstrasse 17
6430 Schwyz
Tel. +41 41 819 69 11
Fax +41 41 819 69 10

Visiting the Wernisberg und Iberg power plants


The electricity plants for the Schwyz Region (EBS) use the Muota River and a few of its tributaries to generate electricity. The five Muota power plants were built between 1956 and 1970. They generate 220 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually.

The Muota power plants generate 78% of their energy in the summer and 22% in the winter, being as they are - run of river power plants without seasonal storage. The regionally generated electricity by the Muota covers about 70% of the electricity requirement in the EBS supply area. Groups can book tours of the power plants Wernisberg and Ibach, including the water castle, upon reservation.
Elektrizitätswerk des Bezirks Schwyz AG
Riedstrasse 17
6430 Schwyz
Tel. +41 41 819 69 11
Fax +41 41 819 69 10